Overview of Vitiligo
Vitiligo is a skin condition in which the pigments that determine the colour of the skin are lost. Melanocytes are the cells that are responsible for producing melanin, the pigment that is responsible for providing the colour to the skin. When melanocytes are unable to function as expected or die, there is an obvious and evident loss of skin colour.
Causes and Symptoms
The prime reason behind this problem is the loss of melanocytes and creation of ineffective melanocytes that fails to deliver the colour to the skin. It is understood that the loss of melanocytes leads to Vitiligo; but the reasons for the loss of these cells is still not clear and there have been several attempts made to understand the same.
Formation of multiple milky white patches which are usually of irregular shape is the key symptom that indicates Vitiligo. These patches where the skin loses its pigmentation increases and spreads all over the body. The rate of spreading may vary from person to person and few of the adjoining symptoms are also unpredictable. The formation of multiple patches is an alarming signal and one should surely visit the doctor without any further delay.
Homeopathy as a treatment
Homeopathy has evolved as an efficacious treatment that is an alternative for numerous problems and it is also very effective in dealing with Vitiligo. There are innumerable benefits of considering Homeopathy as a Vitiligo treatment alternative and these benefits include long-lasting impacts, no side effects, the medicines prevent recurrence, no scarring, etc.
Homeopathic treatment is based on the diagnosis of the problem and the reports help the professional doctors determine the nature and extent of treatment that should be ideally beneficial for the patients.
Treatment at Dr Batra’s
The skilled team of professional doctors has dealt with numerous cases of the problems and the treatment extends beyond the treatment of physical symptoms. The treatment methodologies are also primarily intended to reduce the rate of the destruction of melanocytes and ensuring that re-pigmentation of the skin on the white patches is observed. The treatment procedure is holistic in nature and it is also meant to address the underlying issues of mental stress and depression.
Homeopathy has evolved over a period of time as one of the most effective measures as a Vitiligo cure. The medicines and the treatment procedures advised to the patients are free from any side effects and hence, the patients are also more inclined towards opting for homeopathy as an ideal means for treating their problem.
Vitiligo becomes visible in the form of white patches and it is a chronic disorder. Homeopathy treatment for Vitiligo has been of great help to numerous patients and hence, it is expected to grow in the coming future as well.
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