Ask the Dentist: A Comprehensive Guide to Root Canal Therapy

It’s one of the most hated dental procedures, and many of our patients despise it. However, it is critical to understand that if done correctly and well; it is no more difficult or uncomfortable than any other dental procedure. Many people wonder, “What is root canal treatment?” Why do I require root canal albuquerque nm? How can I determine if I require root canal therapy? What do you do during a root canal procedure? And a whole lot more. So we decided to shed some light from the standpoint of a dentist in order to provide a helpful step-by-step guide to root canal therapy. The technique, also known as root canal therapy (RCT for short), involves cleansing and medicating an infected nerve or root canal of the tooth before filling it with a root filling.

Without treatment, the blood vessels and nerves inside the tooth become badly infected, resulting in the formation of pus and abscesses. Following treatment for root canal gilbert az from dentist Wheelers Hill it is typical for your dentist to propose placing a crown on the tooth to provide maximum long-term protection.

Why do I require root canal therapy?

You frequently visit the dentist with a toothache and in discomfort, and the dental feeling Wheelers Hill dentist informs you that your tooth requires root canal treatment. Why? The goal of root canal therapy is to remove the bacterial infection inside the tooth and reduce the risk of future re-infections. Despite the fact that it is a lengthy and laborious procedure, each stage of root canal treatment is carried out to ensure that the danger of re-infection is as minimal as possible. Before we can fully comprehend what root canal therapy provided by root canal treatment Wheelers Hill and why we need it, we must first understand that the structure of a tooth is made up of various sections.

What happens if I don’t get the tooth treated?

One of the consequences of not treating the tooth will be severe pain and suffering. Without treatment, the blood vessels and nerves inside the tooth become badly infected, resulting in the formation of pus and abscesses. An abscess is a swelling filled with pus that forms at the end of the root canal as a result of infection buildup. The abscess can be severe enough to produce swelling around the face, eyes, or neck. In certain cases, you may need to go to the hospital right away. Other consequences of not treating the tooth include bone loss around the tooth’s roots.

Should I use antibiotics to treat a tooth that needs a root canal?

Antibiotics are not an option for treating an infected nerve because the tooth is in its own small environment, and antibiotics cannot reach the root canal and pulp to heal the tooth from the bacterial infection. Antibiotics are only useful in severe infections where there may be an abscess connected with the affected tooth, or if you have fevers. If your breathing is being hampered or the swelling is particularly huge and unpleasant, please consult your dentist or doctor right once. Another reason antibiotics aren’t typically utilized during root canal therapy treatments is that the operation is time-consuming.

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