Of the many things that you will discuss with your surgeon during your consultation, incision and implant placement options will be two of the most important.
Every method has different benefits and the size of your implant will also play a role in the incision that will be used.
Incisions: A Look at Your Options
Inframammary. Overall, this is the most popular incision technique used today as it is done along the breast fold, which gives your surgeon easy access to the area where the breast pocket will be created. This particular type of incision does leave a small scar but because it heals really well, it won’t be very visible at all. Another reason why this is a popular choice is that there is a very low risk of your nipple sensation being affected.
Periareolar. To insert the breast implant, an incision can also be made around the areola. While scarring is minimal, there is a chance that the breast ducts and glands can be affected. This incision technique carries the highest risk of nipple sensation loss.
Transumbilical. This is a more complicated incision technique because the implant is inserted via the navel. Since the incision is made through the navel, there won’t be any scarring around the breasts but the implant can be quite difficult to manoeuvre.
Transaxillary. This is another incision option that will be available to you at a top breast surgery clinic such as Waverley House. This particular incision is made in the armpit, leaving the patient with a very discreet scar. This technique is popular amongst women who don’t necessarily have enough of a breast fold to hide their scar. However, this technique can’t be used for very large implants.
As you can see, every technique has its own pros and cons, with scarring being one of the biggest considerations for most women. It’s important to remember that a skilled and experienced surgeon will be able to minimise scarring so this shouldn’t be a major cause for concern.
Placement: A Look at Your Options
There are only two breast implant placement options: Over or under the muscle.
Once the incision has been made, your surgeon will need to place your implants over or under the muscles of your chest.
Placing the implant over your muscle is easiest and your recovery time won’t be as long. Unfortunately, placing the implant over the muscle is not possible for everyone. To place the implant over your chest muscle, you will need quite a large amount of natural breast tissue, which is not something that a lot of women have.
It’s for this reason that placing it under the muscle is the more common choice. The good news is that placing the implant under the muscle also offers more natural results and makes future medical examinations much easier.
The downside is that there are a few complications associated with placing the implant under the muscle, including implant compression and distortion as well as the risk of bottoming out.
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