Meditation and Yoga might seem alike to many, but in actual sense, they are different. Unlike Yoga that involves sitting in a fixed position for a specific period of time, meditation focuses on the power of the mind.
Yoga offers numerous health benefits, it aids in the development of both physical and mental health. It is also a good technique in enhancing body flexibility. Although Meditation in NYC can be incorporated while practicing yoga, this doesn’t still eliminate the fact that they have different approaches.
How Meditation Works
Meditation is done by concentrating on your mind and getting rid of external thoughts, while maintaining a state of awareness. You can use certain postures, breathing techniques and chants to facilitate a smooth meditation process. While this support tools will help the process, they are not really important.
As a beginner, you should take a meditation class. Better yet, you can invest a video that introduces you to the concept of meditation and teaches you various techniques for facilitating the process. These video tutorials can help you out in mastering the process.
Specific Ways That Meditation Improves Health
There are numerous health advantages of meditation aside the fact that it helps eliminate stress which is a primary cause of most health issues, here are some other benefits of meditation:
How does this work exactly?
Not many understand how meditation works to help achieve health improvement. Cortisol and Adrenaline are stress hormones that tend to increase blood pressure and heart rate, while “feel good” chemicals in the body like serotonin are secreted when the body is at a relaxed mode help in repairing worn out cells.
How To Use Meditation To Improve Your Health
These are some basic ways you can use meditation to improve your health.
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