Suhagra is an oral therapy popular for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men. Erectile Dysfunction is a medical condition displaying a man’s inability to have a firm erection for sexual intercourse.
Treatment of ED is to induce inflow of blood into the penis to allow normal erection. This can be made possible by proper medication, which not only makes penis erection possible, but also is proven safe for human consumption if taken under a doctor’s supervision. Suhagra pharmacy which is basically a Viagra, does exactly that and therefore is a very good choice for this kind of treatment. Chemically speaking, this is Sildenafil Citrate which is the effective ingredient of an ED medication doing the magic.
The medicine is manufactured by a well established, very reputed and globally prevalent Indian pharmaceutical company Cipla manufacturing over 1000 products under FDA (US), WHO (Geneva), TGA (Australia), PIC (Germany) & many more approvals. While other branded alternatives available in the market are very expensive, this Suhagra pharmacy offers a very affordable choice. Quality wise it is manufactured under the same formula of Viagra and is therefore of same efficacy and reliability of other top branded alternatives. Suhagra has eliminated the difference between a branded version and a generic version. These pills are available in the doses of 25 mg, 50 mg & Suhagra 100 mg pills. One can start with a 50 mg pill and based on suitability, should settle with the correct dose. A pill can be taken approximately one hour before sexual activity which prepares man with proper erection upon a sexual stimulus. After the activity, the erection should go away. Recommended maximum daily dose is 100 mg.
Every drug has some side effect. Suhagra pills also have some mild effects likely with a high dose of 100 mg, such as headache, back pain, dizziness, flushing etc and therefore it is always recommended to take medication under appropriate medical supervision. Especially when you have had a heart attack or a blood pressure problem, a doctor must be consulted before taking an ED medication. While taking these pills, one should reduce alcohol & fatty food intake to none or minimal.
Suhagra pharmacy pills are available online. People using it have experienced it having same potency as that of Viagra. They have expressed satisfaction, full value for money and also have recommended it to friends. With a satisfactory sexual life made possible by these pills, people have shown positive outlook to life.
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