Tips and Tricks for Fast Recovery after Laser Eye Surgery

There are certain problems like short sightedness, long sightedness and astigmatism, which cannot be completely treated by the usage of contact lenses or glasses. There is one amazing solution i.e., laser eye surgery which helps in treating all the above mentioned problems. It helps in solving the proper quality of life. A huge number of people are attracting towards the laser eye surgery due to the amazing benefitsand some of them are mentioned below –

  • Immediate improvement from the defective vision with the laser eye surgery.
  • Laser eye surgery is the minimum invasive procedure.
  • Lesser number of complications due to the improper vision.
  • The time of recovery is very quick and one can get back to the daily life, just after some days.
  • The most important benefit is that there is no longer need of contact lenses and glasses.

But there are certain measures which should be followed so as to ensure the faster recovery. One should be well prepared before the surgery. Complete initial evaluation should be ensured and a doctor should completely informed about the any types of diseases or any kind of medications if the person is taking then the doctor should be completely informed.

Although it is not a highly operative procedure, even after the doctor has to tell some instructions which are necessary before the operation. Always make sure to follow all the procedures. If anyone is thinking of the operation or eye surgery then he/she has to take leave from the work. Although it is not a tough or prolonged job but the patient has to take a day off or 2 days off, depending on the type of operation. But a doctor cannot ensure in prior that how much leaves anyone should take.

Always avoid the driving before and after the procedure. According to guidelines, one should not drive for short distance at least for 1 day and one should not drive for longer distance at least for 3 days.

Some of the hospitals offer the transportation facilities from the hospital to home and from the home to hospital. But some of the hospitals do not offer this service. If any hospital do not offers the transportation services then it is the responsibility of the patient to arrange the transportation facility.

Do not poke eyes, rub the eyes and touch the eyes, after the surgery. A doctor advises the patient to close the eyes for as much as possible. Although the patient gets fine after the 1 or 2 days of the surgery but the first 24 hours of the surgery are critical. The patient may feel slight dizziness or blurred vision in the first 24 hours after the surgery. The patient may feel some kind of pain around the eyes, after the 24 hours of surgery due to the anaesthetic in eyes. Although Lasik eye surgery worth the cost but Michigan Lasik offers the best measures for the patient. Taking all the medications and antibiotics is the necessary preventive way, which should be taken after the surgery.

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