Understand Hypothyroidism Treatment: 5 Surprising Causes

Thyroid gland is usually associated with quite a number of conditions. The most common is goiter which affects up to 9% of the population. Hypothyroidism which is more severe, is lesser known. It is a condition that affects every 5 out of 100 people aged 12 years and above, according to the National Institute of Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

Unfortunately, hypothyroidism is incurable. But, with a change in lifestyle and proper hypothyroidism treatment, it is possible to live a normal life. To make appropriate changes, it is important to identify what triggered the condition. That way, you can avoid it and hopefully reverse the effects. So, what causes or triggers hypothyroidism?

  1.  Adrenal Glands

Adrenal glands produce adrenaline, cortisol and aldosterone. These hormones increase the amount of energy consumed in the body. The thyroid gland on the other hand supports metabolism, the process of energy production.

Tired or fatigued adrenal glands limit the production of thyroid in the body. Reduced production of energy consuming hormones reduces the demand for energy. By limiting thyroid hormone production, metabolism and production of energy reduces.  If the limited production of thyroid hormone extends, hyperthyroidism is imminent.

  1.  High levels of Estrogen

Hypothyroidism is more common in women than in men because of estrogen. When produced in high volumes, estrogen causes the liver to produce a substance called thyroid binding globulin. The substance binds thyroid hormone limiting the amount available for use by body cells.

While high estrogen levels are synonymous with women, toxins like pesticides and BPA can also cause a hormonal imbalance in men. The best hypothyroidism treatment in such cases is to commit to a lower-toxin lifestyle. You can also use bio-identical progesterone to restore balance.

  1.  Stress

Thyroid gland relies on pituitary and hypothalamus gland to function. Unfortunately, the two glands are easily affected and fatigued by stress. Fatigue compromises communication within the three glands. As a result of poor communication, thyroid gland can’t produce enough hormones to meet the needs of the body due to lack of ample direction from the pituitary and hypothalamus.

  1.  Chronic Illness

Suffering from a chronic illness increases the chances of contracting hypothyroidism significantly. The process of healing limits metabolism to prevent fatigue by the cells and the muscles. Consequently, thyroid hormones reduce as well.

If the sickness carries on, the patient’s chances of suffering from hypothyroidism increase. To avoid this, doctors prescribe complete bed rest to patients suffering from chronic conditions.

  1.  Medications

Although medications should make you feel better, they can contribute to hypothyroidism. Medications and supplements containing steroids as well as beta-blockers are can increase predisposition to hypothyroidism.

Understanding the causes of hypothyroidism is critical. Not only will this help you adopt better preventative measures, but it can also help patients find better ways to improve their lives and ease the symptoms related to the condition.  Contact Pollack Wellness Institute with speak to an expert today.

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