Are your cat’s teeth clean? Does he have a bad breath? Proper pet dental care edmonton is of immense importance in case of cats too, just like in humans. So, here are some tips to help you ensure that your cat’s mouth always stays clean and healthy.
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Common dental problems in cats are gingivitis and accumulation of tartar. Your cat will have a bad breath and his gums may seem a little red. If his teeth are examined, especially those big back upper molars, a hard yellow tartar may be seen on the outer surface of each tooth.
Cats also develop some unique dental problems that are not always easily noticed by their parents but can cause serious issues. In these conditions, you should take your cat to a good vet clinic near North Shore such as Gordon Vet.
Some dental problems are specific to cats and don’t take place in other species.
Tooth Resorption: This is a disease in which a cat’s teeth are broken down, perhaps as a result of an autoimmune reaction, and absorbed back in the cat’s body.
Most cats suffering from this don’t show any symptoms even if their mouth is much painful. Others will salivate a lot and will have difficulty in eating. It is believed that more than 50% of cats beyond 3 years of age have tooth resorption to some extent. Extraction of the affected tooth is often the only treatment.
Plasma Cell Stomatitis: This is another common autoimmune condition and is believed to be a reaction to plaque on the teeth or even the dentine which is a part of the teeth. The teeth of the cat may look healthy but his gums and the part in the mouth where the upper and lower jaws meet become bright red and intensely irritated.
Often plasma cell stomatitis responds initially to stringent teeth cleaning as well as anti-inflammatory medication; but in several cases, the only way to permanent relief is extraction of all teeth.
You need not worry regarding your cat’s dental health because it’s quite easy and less time-consuming to take care of his teeth and stop the development of dental problems. You just have to devote a few minutes every day to keep his pearly whites gleaming and gums pink and healthy.
Since some of the most critical dental conditions can develop in cats which may not be detected by their parents, a veterinary checkup is essential every 6 months. This is done using a general anaesthesia as it’s not possible to do a complete examination in an awake animal.
Veterinary care in North Turramurra like Gordon Vet Hospital will not only look for gum disease and tartar, but will also take X-ray of your cat’s mouth, to check if there are any cavities under the gum line and also any signs of tooth resorption.
The vet will also clean your cat’s teeth with an ultrasonic scaler, remove any damaged teeth and polish the remaining ones to make them smooth so that plaque cannot adhere to them.
Keep in mind to clean your cat’s teeth regularly so that he will enjoy great oral health for his lifetime.
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