Menopause can be a very complicated phase in a woman’s life. This is the time when women stop having their menstrual cycles and are no longer able to conceive a baby naturally. A huge proportion of women going through the change of menopause can experience a variety of symptoms.
One of the most common ones is feeling fatigued. If menopause fatigue is taking its toll on you, too, then look no further. In this guide, we will provide you with some easy, clever tips on how to fight this feeling and get your energy and life back.
Review Your Diet
To begin with, it’s a good idea to take a look at what you put on your plate. Certain foods are much better than others at helping you feel more energized and focused, so you’ll want to incorporate those into your diet.
Prefer lean protein, healthy fats, and plenty of fruit and veg, and ditch the usual nasties such as alcohol, caffeine, fizzy drinks, and fried foods. Keep an eye on how much you eat, too. You should try to avoid having a large meal in the evening, as it can hamper your digestive system’s ability to process all the nutrients.
Make Exercising a Priority
We know it may sound counterintuitive, but moving your body is another essential way to help combat those feelings of fatigue. Yes, even if you’re feeling exhausted and want to stay at home the whole day.
It doesn’t matter too much what you choose to do. Whether you opt for smashing those 10,000 steps, going for a swim, or doing some Pilates, the important thing is to stay active.
This will help with your menopausal fatigue in two ways. First of all, research has shown how exercise releases endorphins. These hormones are responsible for making us feel good, positive, and energized.
Second, by moving a little bit each day, chances are that your body will feel tired enough by the evening that it will slide into a restful sleep more easily. So, get those walking shoes on, and go get some fresh air and exercise. Remember, though: no working out straight before bed, or your sleep routine might be negatively affected.
Look After Your Mental Health
Menopause can bring about a lot of disruption and change not only from a physical perspective but from a mental one, too. So, if you are noticing that your mood is low, you’re feeling teary and fragile, or feel like you can’t cope with this new situation, you’ll need to take action.
To begin with, you could start by trying to add some meditation and mindfulness exercises to your daily routine. You can find a lot of these online, and there are also some great smartphone apps that you could download.
What if this doesn’t work? Then, it might be worth considering the support of a professional. While most therapists can help, you might find that one who specializes in menopause will be more suitable.
Create a Sleep Routine
Can a hormone imbalance cause insomnia? Unfortunately, yes. One of the most frustrating aspects of menopause fatigue is the fact that, despite feeling exhausted, you might struggle to fall and stay asleep.
Don’t worry, though, because there are ways to aid the process. Building your own sleep routine is one of them.
A sleep routine includes all those activities and little rituals that you choose to do in the lead-up to bedtime, and which will help you to sleep better. The great thing about having a sleep routine is that you can customize it any way you want. There are no set rules for it: you are the one who knows what works best for you.
Need some ideas to get started? You could kick off your evening by running yourself a luscious bath. Light some candles and use aromatherapy elements to guide your mind and body towards the end of your day.
Then, why not stretch with some easy yoga poses? You could do this either on a mat on your bedroom floor or on your bed. Another sleeping aid that many people swear by is playing some relaxing music or white noise.
Are you more the meditation kind? Perfect, then this is the right time to close your eyes and focus on your breath, letting all your thoughts flow away freely.
Set Up the Perfect Sleeping Environment
When talking about menopause fatigue, it’s important to consider your sleeping environment, too. Why? Because where you sleep is just as important as what you do during the day, how much you exercise, and how well you eat.
So, what should the ideal bedroom be like, to promote a good night’s sleep? First of all, you’re going to want to take the temperature down a notch. The vast majority of menopausal women suffer from hot flashes, which means that sleeping in a room that’s too warm is not a good idea.
Then, you’ll also want to eliminate all electronic devices from the room. No TV, tablets, smartphones, or anything emitting blue light. The darker the room, the better: invest in some blackout blinds to help you relax and sleep more and better.
Overcome Your Menopause Fatigue and Get Your Energy Back
Fighting your menopause fatigue and getting your life and energy back on track is much easier than you think. By following our tips and advice, you will soon start to notice a significant improvement in your energy levels and sleep quality.
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