Negative emotions are signals that tell us how we are and how we are getting, avoiding facing them worse and complicating everything.
“Emotions are like babies, until you decide to listen to them, they will destroy your home.” – Pamela Congia
Speaking of emotions, their power over us and of our global happiness, I will deal with negative emotions, that is, those that can really complicate life by taking up my sad story of the past.
To face and win your negative emotions you can do these things …
1) Learn to breathe properly to train yourself to be ready when negative emotions try to take over. Think about how you’ve already solved in the past.
2) Do sports or long walks, relax or meditate, choose the best formula for you.
3) Get out and stay with people, do not leave. Contrary to what you imagine in difficult times, staying alone in the house increases your malaise while being together with the other are safe and supportive.
4) Take advantage of the power of imagination and imagine the best for you, what you really want. The mind is closed in a box and does not distinguish reality from the imagination. Take advantage of this opportunity every morning as you just wake up to teach her an alternative way of passion and certainty.
5) Talk to friends and family and listen to their experiences to experience so useful.
6) Writing what you feel helps you get emotions out, see them, think about it and find solutions, then make a list of your skills and hopes helps you to believe it possible.
7) Contact a psychologist / professional who inspires you to your skin and who knows how to help you. Be Selective / a.
8) Read books to understand the mind and body processes.
9) Look for online information about solved experiences or sign up to stay up to date
10) Get up and move, question yourself by starting doing things that you like and motivating you.
11) Do the opposite of what fear suggests to you, as soon as you realize that you react to things for fear, seek and find an immediate alternative form. What would you do if everything were easy?
12) As soon as you are better off risking the simple things, doing this will raise your rod of affection.
13) Make useful questions to the solution as soon as you experience the Heavy Emotions, for example …
Finally, a rule that collects them all and that you can remember more easily …
You become the master of your mind with conviction. That’s what you need to have the life you want, making you a friend of your emotions that are telling you important things. Learning to trust yourself will be ready and flexible in the face of life. You can also consume natural supplement Tongkat Ali 100:1 that will enhance your muscle growth.
What remains repressed becomes depressed and things do not like being repressed.
Ps: I heartily envy women, crying more easily free of heavy and painful emotions and incite the males obstinate to do like counter-current salmon to dissolve and liberate ethically and civilly in their repressed emotions.
Choose which emotions you would like to experience the most and with time, it will be much easier to deal with difficult, trustworthy moments, personally tested and work very well!
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